"Man did not weave the web of life, he is merely a strand in it, such that whatever he does to the web, he does to himself."
~ Chief Seattle

Robert Baittie
Shamanic Practitioner, LMT
Today, people everywhere struggle through life with damaged emotions, needlessly carrying heavy energy, causing untold hardship and stress in their lives, and on their bodies that need to be dealt with. But all too often, these hurts are simply swept under the rug in an attempt to make them go away, and by doing so we lose our sense of power or feeling of control in our lives. We feel helpless, and we lose hope. That's not how you're meant to go through life.
Only by facing our woundedness can we gain complete knowledge of it, and in the process regain our power.
In a sense, we are all called to be shamans. We all know how it feels to be wounded; to be sad, hurt, feel abandoned, angry, confused, and a multitude of other emotions that we would rather not experience.
Only through the acceptance and integration of our wounds can we begin to clear our lives and feel whole again.
As a Shamanic practitioner I work with yours and my helping spirits to facilitate healing and wellness. The shamanic model of health and healing asserts that illness originates in the energetic or spiritual dimensions before it manifests as physical symptoms.
It is important to recognize that shamanic healing and wellness is a team effort. The team consists of the shaman, helping spirits, and most importantly, YOU. Your belief, desire, determination, and dedication are vital to the success of the shamanic healing and wellness process.