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(Our entire staff has been fully vaccinated)

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Since the initial onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, Giving Back Massage has implemented the following policies and procedures as the foundation of our new operating guidelines. The purpose of which is to help ensure the safety and well-being of our guests and our staff.


The specific protocols we have outlined below are a combination of recommendations put forth by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the Associated Bodywork and Massage Professionals (ABMP), the American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA), and the unified focus of Giving Back Massage's client-centered staff of licensed massage therapists.


For ease of explanation, we have segmented our procedures and protocols into 3 session-related categories;

Pre-Session, In-Session, and Post-Session.


In the outline that follows, we have listed steps that we are taking to maximize office and treatment room readiness, as well as new health screening procedures and guidelines for both therapists and clients. Additionally, we have listed the safety policies that all GBM therapists will be required to adhere to during client sessions along with a list of client expectations.


PRE-SESSION PROTOCOLS (Pre-guest arrival)

 ALL clients will be required to fill out and have on file an updated New Client Intake Form (available on web site)

 Prior to the days opening, before EVERY client session, and at days end, Giving Back Massage will execute a thorough    

    cleaning and sanitizing of our entire facility using recommended CDC protocol (gloves, masks, disinfectants, etc.) of all

    treatment rooms, front reception area, and all client and therapist touchpoints, including, but not limited to all treatment

    furniture and supplies, common furniture, door handles, floors, counters, surfaces, etc

  HEPA air purifiers will be in every room and turned on

  After cleaning sessions, staff will change into clean treatment attire, (gloves, and mask if mandated)

  Temperature of the attending therapist will be taken and recorded (if mandated)

  Fresh linens will then be applied to all treatment tables

 Guests are asked to shower before any treatment session

  We ask that guests leave all jewelry at home or in their vehicles

 A mask will be worn by both client and therapist throughout the entire session* (if mandated)


IN-SESSION PROTOCOLS (Guest arrival) (if mandated)

  The "day of" intake form will be filled out by the attending therapist (eliminating the need for our guest to handle pens, clipboards, etc)

  Guests will be asked their comfort level with facial massage

  Guests will be asked to liberally apply hand sanitizer (supplied) prior to entering the treatment room

 Once the therapist and client are in the treatment room, guests will be shown where to put their clothing and where there is additional hand sanitizer. Beyond those instructions, conversations will be kept to a minimum

  While the guest privately disrobes, the therapist will remove gloves and do a hand to elbows pre-session scrub

  *During prone (face down) treatment, the client may remove their mask for comfort. We do ask guests to put the mask back on after turning over

  Upon completion of the session, we ask the guest to reapply hand sanitizer and use the provided hand towel for opening the door



  Immediately upon leaving the treatment room the attending therapist will do a hand to elbows post-session scrub and liberally apply hand sanitizer and put on fresh gloves

  We kindly request and urge our guests to prepay their session fees on-line through our website scheduling if possible

  Once our guest has left, the therapist will remove all used linens and place in a sealed container for future washing and proceed with facility cleaning and sanitizing

  Upon completion of cleaning and office preparation, the therapist will remove their treatment attire and place in a sealed container, then remove and dispose of gloves and mask, perform a hand to elbow scrub, and put on fresh treatment attire, gloves, and mask



  In addition to the session guidelines outlined above we will not be scheduling two guests at the same time nor have

    them scheduled where there could be the possibility of overlap

  We will be waiving any last-minute cancellation fees for cancellations due to illness


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