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Typical results from Bodywork combo massage

At Giving Back Massage we've created the perfect massage

45        +        45



Manual Lymphatic

Drainage Massage

Deep Tissue or

Swedish Massage

• Body Contouring

• Reduces Inflammation

• Immune Enhancing

• The Ultimate Relaxation

• Muscle Rehabilitating

• Pain Reduction

• Increased Range of Motion

• Injury Recovery

Introducing the 90-minute

Bodywork Combo

Deep tissue massage finishes the Bodywork combo
Lymphatic drainage massage starts the bodywork combo
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Look great
          and feel great too!

By seamlessly combining the body contouring and immune enhancing affects of lymphatic drainage massage with the muscle rehabilitating benefits of a deep tissue or Swedish massage, Giving Back Massage of Barrington has made it easy to experience the best of both worlds in one incredible 90-minute session.

The Best of Both Worlds in one 90-minute session!

Manual Lymphatic Drainage Massage
—Contours the Body, Enhances Immune Function, Reduces Inflammation, Relaxes—

With the Bodywork Combo Massage you'll first enjoy and experience the ultimate in relaxation and immune support with Giving Back Massage’s 45-minute Lymphatic Drainage Massage. This therapeutic massage contours the body while it helps reduce inflammation, relaxes the body and mind, and rejuvenates the soul. Using gentle rhythmic pressure, the massage stimulates the lymphatic system, which helps to flush out toxins and improve circulation. 

Therapeutic Deep Tissue or Swedish Massage
—Relaxes, Rehabilitates and Renews Tired and Aching Muscles—
The Bodywork Combo Massage finishes with a luxurious 45-minute massage designed to target specific areas of tension and to help your body relax and rejuvenate. In addition to providing relief, this massage offers a variety of benefits, such as improved circulation, increased flexibility, and a calmer mind. Come and experience the ultimate in relaxation and stress relief with us today

Purchase a package of 4 and receive 2 more FREE!

(A $900 VALUE!)

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